Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Time

2016 is my year to be the best me that God created me to be.  In order to achieve this I must do a couple of things.  The first and most important is to spend more time in fellowship with Jesus through the power of the Holy Ghost working in my life.
I also must get my temple in order.  My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and I must do some temple management this year.  I am working on that by following the Weight Watcher Beyond the Scale program.  So far I have lost 8 pounds since December 12, 2015.
The Lord is the most important part of my life and after that the love of my husband of 46 years.  God has been so good to me. 
As I accomplish more victories in my journey this year I hope to add some words of insight to my blog.  I have tried blog in the past, but they were not well organized and never updated.  With the help of the Lord Jesus, this time I will go about this differently than I have in the past.